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Milky Way
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crying praying praying praying praying praying praying praying crying


flag rose
joined SETI far earlier, back in 90's, but changed e-mail, could not take time to migrate account if it could be done when ever I got a new computer -- and have had to run several search and destroy missions in between - one just a few months ago when an earlier version of SETI didn't go away when banished -- so I had four instillations of WCC + Bonic -- so got a patrol together and did what had to be done: killed them all and let God sort it all out. I remember the day so very well -- one of the few times when C-4 really needed to be legal -- caught with my blasting permit expired! DANG! Ever tried to scream 'throw!' and have your trap hurtle a 40 pound comptuer farther and faster than a snail
could crawl on Minnesota Granite in February? Thank goodness that I had second thoughts about building a pyramid to channel the Energy of the Universe though the old computers and Refrigerators and erect a Shrine of Pure Energy and White-light Power to Mother Earth and the First Peoples who provided us with such goodness -- And by using weapons of Destruction, turn the Holy Pyramid of Pure Power into homes for insects, field mice, lizards, and turn unhappy creatures who wold otherwise be homeless into creatures who lived in Mega-Condos of this highest class, where they had views -- warmth from the blustering winds and snow and dust and sand of the great Basins - and make them HAPPY "Bambini"'s = while at the same time providing future employment to Archaeologists, cultural anthropologists, and story tellers yet unborn - and help create a pocket of GREAT WEALTH for future geologists, gemologists, plastiologists, and junkologists -- allowing miners a chance to practice their long lost art-forms of precious metal recovery -- and even provide a reason for hunters to continue their great and noble traditions of stalking and finding prey, and even fire-fighters the danger they all require for doing that which they have pledged their honor to do: protect life and propety from the ravers of fire -- all through the Sacred building and HOLY CHANNELING of Hallowed and Consecrated Pyrimids of recycled energy -- for we all know it never loses it's energy -- physical or spiritual -- but just changes it's form -- a Shrine by any other name holds the same Power and Energy - it just changes from concrete and Steel and Glass into sand, rust, and more sand -- but from and continually capturing 'star stuff' for future generations -- But before any of that could be done, God showed me the Light -- The Light of World Community Distributed Computing. THEN the most sacred shrine to the Universe can be built -- truck load by truck load in the middle of nothingness will arise a Pyrimid dedicated to Mother Earth and the Eternal Cycle with is free to be worshiped by First Peoples and others from All over this small speck of dust in the universe -- and because the concept is open to all to worship-- the shrine can continue to Grow and spread upon the ground so even as Entropy tries to break it down, others may, for generations or thousands upon thousand of years -- to keep it alive by feeding it in rituals involving old pick-ups, the holy sacrament of Beer, The firing of noise makers to keep away the evil spirits and the dedication to those who come after that the pure beliefs of a cyclic universe shall never fade from the memories of the cultures so humbly honored and respected from the heart of heart of every old pick-up truck owner so that the ceremony shall never pass from memory, no matter how hard fascist and uncaring Governments try to bury even the memory of the past! flag rose


OK, sometimes I go away for longer than a day or two - sometimes for weeks. Often I have a friend come in and move a mouse or open and close Firefox for me every couple of days -- but recently I came back from what I thought would be just a day or two, but turned into four or five and found out that my computers had quit working (running WCC) after two days of no activity -- and I am pretty sure I had 'do max work' set at the site level, and 'always work' set on each individual computer on the network and "while computer is in use" -- when that is not checked, the computer turns off right away the moment (well a moment is 2.5 minutes, an old British unit of time, this was within the measurement of the same minute from off to on when I moved a mouse) so I put it back to 'while computer is in use' since it didn't mean what it COULD have meant.

so how do I set my computer to work when I know I am going to be away for several weeks, the person I trust to come in an kick Firefox open and closed -- and re-boot once a week will also be gone?

While I admit - and have a story about grad school where gold and silver stars for papers all turned to solid gold for the class when out prof put up gold A, silver B, and green C stars (oh and 'black' meaning 'late or missing' -- and fight as I will, they Simply DO work on me --

So I have all my computers running under the same name and thus same account - but can't find if they all get different work units or if it's just redundancy at it's best -- I am about ready to bring six older computers on-line but before I get those problems I'd rather take care of the problems i have now

here's the message when Work when computer is in use is Unchecked: Oh new month -- the old ones are gone but I'd move a mouse to show it was being used and it would shut down -- and if it's CHECKED it shuts OFF after 2 days of no use! --

I seem to be stuck in between the twilight zones and would rather fix the unattended problem with two and three computers going than when I am running 6-12 older ones that run slow but steady -- and will all have XP on them -- and will run in high MHz with 2 megs (gigs) of RAM and unlimited disk-ram.

I actually had to completely DUMP an entire computers WCC because I had WCC and BONIC both loaded, and was showing SETI from the 1990's before BONIC and BONIC slowed things down so far I couldn't run MSWORD and SETI at the same time!!!

So -

1) what ARE the correct settings for running a computer unattended (for more than 2-3 days)????
2) will each one get the same work units if I keep it under my own name? (account #' seem different on the network)
and, ummm -- Oh!!! -- can I 'gang' computers into a USB port -- or should I try to resurrect my old CAT-5 25 port USB hub that spent a winter outside when I thought it would be useless and I was going all wireless - (until I realized how many older computers I had laying around that would barely make your min qualifications)?

OH - and is it faster to dedicate each computer to a single project, or run them all simultaneously on a each computer.

-- paul --

crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying
-- PAUL --
[Jun 4, 2009 3:41:21 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Do work while computer in use - YES
Stop work after computer is idle for 0.0

2) No.

Also check your power save settings for the PC, it maybe nothing to do with BOINC settings....
[Edit 1 times, last edit by Former Member at Jun 4, 2009 6:30:26 AM]
[Jun 4, 2009 6:28:47 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Milky Way
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yah, rodger and copy.

so don't use power saver or screen saver, set to run while working, AND stop work while comptuer is idle for zero point zero.

that's what has me bothered, the red flag of stopping has disapeard from both comptuer messages, but I suspect it's buried in an archive somewhere though it hardly matters - the fact that it was in red, then in black told me it has 'resumed computation' is enough proof for me that something happened.

I'm headed off for the middle of Nevada in two or two and a half weeks -- any way to check comptuer without not touching it for call it 48 hours?

just can't figure it out! thanks! confused confused confused confused confused confused confused
-- PAUL --
[Jun 8, 2009 3:13:29 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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The only power save I use is the monitor is set to turn off after 5 minutesof not in use.....
[Jun 8, 2009 5:23:12 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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I agree with Scribe - it doesn't sound like it's a BOINC setting that is shutting off your computer(s).

Even though the area is labeled Monitor Power on the Screen Saver tab in Display Properties, it actually opens the same Power Options Properties dialog that opens from Control Panel.

Look there to see what's turning off (I suspect Sleep, Standby or Hibernate, though) your computer(s).

Here are some pertinent links you might find useful:
Power States -
Wake-on-LAN Primer -

There are many free WoL magic packet generators available. Google returns 150,000+ hits for ''magic packet generator''; ysermv.
To wake an entire LAN via the internet it's best to make a static route for just one to wake up like that, then have that one generate the broadcast packet containing the other MACs for the rest of the LAN. Or you can wake one via land line/modem and have it generate the broadcast for the rest. Doing it like that is required because other than from multicast IPs, most routers block broadcast packets by default... otherwise the internet would be one big broadcast 'storm'.
[Jun 12, 2009 7:52:05 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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